EMPOWERING YOU through online fitness & nutrition coaching

through online fitness & nutrition coaching

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Popular Programs

If you’re ready to break-up with fad diets, stop the yo-yo weight cycle, and finally achieve the health of your dreams, Fit Life Academy is the place for you. Utilizing an evidence-based approach to eating behaviors, and a sustainable strategy to make fitness an enjoyable part of your life, with support from coaches who have gone through this journey on their own, Fit Life Academy’s coaching & programs guaranteed to transform your life. This is the ONLY program you’ll ever need to create the lifestyle you’ve always desired.


DIY Programs

Perfect for self-starters! Our effective workout plans get you in and out of the gym while seeing fantastic results. Give them a try and see what all the buzz is about!


Fit 4 Life Workout Subscription

FLA’s Fit 4 Life workout subscription delivers home & gym workouts to your inbox every month! Plus you have access to FLA’s coaches & community.


1-on-1 Coaching

One-on-One Coaching is for you if you have special considerations for your training and nutrition and would like a custom plan. This program is also great for people who want a more personal relationship with their coach.


VIP Coaching

VIP Coaching is ideal for someone who needs a more intimate relationship and extra support from a coach. If you are a recovering yo-yo dieter or feel like you always “fall off the bandwagon,” this program is for you!


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Popular Programs

If you’re ready to break-up with fad diets, stop the yo-yo weight cycle, and finally achieve the health of your dreams, Fit Life Academy is the place for you. Utilizing an evidence-based approach to eating behaviors, and a sustainable strategy to make fitness an enjoyable part of your life, with support from coaches who have gone through this journey on their own, Fit Life Academy’s coaching & programs guaranteed to transform your life. This is the ONLY program you’ll ever need to create the lifestyle you’ve always desired.


DIY Programs

Perfect for self-starters! Our effective workout plans get you in and out of the gym while seeing fantastic results. Give them a try and see what all the buzz is about!


Fit 4 Life Workout Subscription

FLA’s Fit 4 Life workout subscription delivers home & gym workouts to your inbox every month! Plus you have access to FLA’s coaches & community.


1-on-1 Coaching

One-on-One Coaching is for you if you have special considerations for your training and nutrition and would like a custom plan. This program is also great for people who want a more personal relationship with their coach.


VIP Coaching

VIP Coaching is ideal for someone who needs a more intimate relationship and extra support from a coach. If you are a recovering yo-yo dieter or feel like you always “fall off the bandwagon,” this program is for you!


About the Founder

Coach Mallory King

I’m Mallory King, creator of Fit Life Academy. After struggling with my weight since 2nd grade, I finally had my “aha-moment” at 21 years old, when I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office and was told I was borderline obese. Hearing those two words was the wake up call I needed to take back control of my health.

In 2012, I embarked on my journey of losing 100lbs. I documented my progress on Instagram and was always transparent about the struggles of a massive weight-loss journey. I started receiving a lot of questions about how I was able to see results.

I became passionate about helping others find their freedom, and in 2014 I got certified in Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. I have worked with THOUSANDS of women in some capacity ever since.

I’m Mallory King, creator of Fit Life Academy. After struggling with my weight since 2nd grade, I finally had my “aha-moment” at 21 years old, when I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office and was told I was borderline obese. Hearing those two words was the wake up call I needed to take back control of my health.

In 2012, I embarked on my journey of losing 100lbs. I documented my progress on Instagram and was always transparent about the struggles of a massive weight-loss journey. I started receiving a lot of questions about how I was able to see results.

I became passionate about helping others find their freedom, and in 2014 I got certified in Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. I have worked with THOUSANDS of women in some capacity ever since.

It never hurts to
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    Check out our Founder's Podcast,
    Mentality with Mallory

    Tune in for some one-on-one time with FLA’s CEO and VIP Coach, Mallory King! Get nutrition, fitness, and mindset advice that’s practical and transformative!

    Find the Fit Life Academy podcast on these platforms.
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